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FSGeodata Clearinghouse

FSGeodata is a data distribution website hosted by the US Forest Service. It functions primarily as a download portal for…


EarthExplorer, a data distribution website hosted by the US Geological Survey (USGS), appears to be a rich source of data from…

Conservation GIS Data

The Conservation GIS Data website provides FTP access to The Nature Conservancy’s core global spatial data. Download portal URL: Many…

Canada Open Data

The Canada Open Data website is an update of the old Geogratis program. It provides download and/or viewing access to…

State of Michigan Open Data Site

The Open Data website provides FTP access to an extensive library of statewide datasets. Download portal URL: Many of…

Wisconsin DNR Open Data Site

The site provides FTP access to selected spatial data from a variety of programs and categories. Available datasets include: Water •…

WisconsinView Data Portal

Available datasets include: Orthophotos from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Four-band geotiff version of NAIP orthophotos Landsat imagery LiDAR-derived…

Outagamie County Land Information Office

Available datasets include: Parcel boundaries and landowner info Land use, zoning, etc Download portal URL: The site also makes…

Brown County Land Information Office

Available datasets include: Orthophotos from various years Digital elevation models Parcel boundaries and landowner info Many others Download portal URL:…