Example – AISphragPhotoPtMaster.shp
We’re using this job to illustrate some important database development practices
CREATE A DEDICATED WORKSPACE – The picture on the right illustrates the folder structure
- The workspace folder name starts with “_ShpFile…” to indicate a database development workspace
- The workspace folder contains an empty subfolder titled “ShapefileHistory”
CREATE A DEDICATED MAP DOCUMENT (.mxd) – This map document is only used to create/edit AISphragPhotoPtMaster.shp.
- Open a new map document in ArcMap and use “Save as” to put it in the workspace folder. The file name is not critical but leaving it untitled can cause confusion down the road. For this demo we’ve named the map document “photopointWorkspace.mxd”
- Check and save the “Store relative pathnames to data sources” setting in the Map Document Properties Dialogue (under File in the ArcMap Main Menu)
CREATE THE NEW SPATIAL DATABASE – The picture on the right illustrates the folder structure
- Open the ArcCatalog window (not the stand-alone program) and create a new shapefile in the workspace folder. Name the shapefile consistent with Biodiversity Center file management practices, In this case “AISphragPhotoPtMaster.shp”
- Use Add Field to create a 50-character text field named IMG_SOURCE
- Use Add Field to create a 50-character text field named IMG_FILNAM
- Use Add Field to create a 100-character text field named RAW_DATE
- Use Add Field to create a 50-character text field named FIX_DATE
- Use the Add XY Coordinates tool to create the fields named POINT_X and POINT_Y. The tool is found in ArcToolbox under Data Management Tools – Features
- Use Add Field to create a 50-character text field named IMAGE_ID – This is the so-called “Key Field” for the database. It is constructed in a way that its value is unique, even if jpegs get added to the image collection whose IMAGE_FILNAM duplicates that of earlier entries.
- Use Add Field to create a 100-character text field named USER_TEXT
USING THE APPEND TOOL TO ENTER DATA – this content is under construction
CLOSING OUT THE EDITING SESSION – Say we’ve just finished a set of edits to AISphragPhotoPtMaster.shp. If the Editor was being used, we’ve closed it. We’ve also closed the map document (.mxd file) that we had been using. Here’s what the workspace looks like